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CodeLite and Konsole...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:10 pm
by zShackra
Hi, I have a problem with CodeLite in Kubuntu, and any other KDE based distribution, I've tried with XFCE also. (Not Gnome, because I don't like it), the "problem" is... it seems that CodeLite hates Konsole.

It works well with xterm, but... I just hate that damn ugly terminal (oh my lord, I just want to burn it if I could :evil:). I know it's an subjective aesthetic issue, but I really hate xterm, so I've decided to replace xterm with Konsole.

The problem is that CodeLite never (and I mean NEVER), executes Konsole, it always (no matter how I set up the command) executes the xterm.

I'm working with CodeLite 7.0 from the CodeLite's repository, with Kubuntu 15.04 and the IDE configured as follows:

Settings -> Global Editor Preferences -> Terminal -> Command used by CodeLite for launching: /usr/bin/konsole -e '$(CMD)'

Now I don't know what to do. In Windows 7, CodeLite works just as expected. But here, I'm about to change it for Code::Blocks due I can't use Konsole (I know it's a bad argument but honestly I just hate xterm, and I know I'm not the only one).

I've only installed it for CodeLite because I don't really use that terminal.

Any help here would be appreciated.


P.D.: I'm working with C/C++ code right now and the gcc version is 4.9.2.

Re: CodeLite and Konsole...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:45 pm
by DavidGH

I know just what you mean: xterm is a long way down my favourite -terminal list too. I also tried unsuccessfully to get konsole to cooperate.

In the end I spent too much time customising xterm, which makes it just about useful; you can see how on this wiki page (I suggest you use the 'history' to see the November 25th version, before the vandalism caused by later edits ;) ).

If that's still not enough for you, iirc gnome-terminal did work OK.



Re: CodeLite and Konsole...

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:03 pm
by olegmikul
Yes, same problems here. Installed from source a new version 8.0, same "lovely" xterm. Can't change to either CodeLite internal terminal emulator, nor to any other working terminal/konsole. CodeLite seems to be attractive for some features and fast, but, due to this problem with konsole, I am back to eclipse.