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crashing a lot on Mac.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:59 am
by marksibly

I recently started using codelite 6.1.1 on Macos 10.10, and am finding it 'crashing' a lot.

Well, it's not actually crashing, but I frequently get a 'problem report for codelite - codelite quit unexpectedly' dialog. Only codelite hasn't actually quit, it continues to run OK. So it's not a show stopper, just kinda annoying.

I can reliably reproduce this by adding a new file to a project - once I hit return or click 'okay' after entering the new filename, the dialog pops up. It's also happens when tweak project settings and at other points I think.

If I close this dialog, it'll pop up again later, but if I just leave it open I don't hear anything from it again.

I suspect it's something to do with wx's logging system. Here's the stack trace that appears in the problem report:

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 0x00007fff8f36532b CGSEventScoreboardIsDisplayZoomed + 4
1 0x00007fff8f365321 CGSDisplayIsZoomed + 22
2 0x00007fff8f365300 CGSIsZoomed + 14
3 0x00007fff96417c18 UAZoomEnabled + 42
4 0x00007fff97115857 _NSAccessibilityIsZoomingEnabled + 9
5 0x00007fff9749783c -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _sendZoomFocusChangedNotificationForSelectionChange] + 82
6 0x00007fff96f78077 -[NSTextView(NSSharing) setSelectedRanges:affinity:stillSelecting:] + 7480
7 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001056a294e non-virtual thunk to wxNSTextViewControl::SetSelection(long, long) + 142
8 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001057784c6 wxTextEntryBase::AppendText(wxString const&) + 22
9 codelite 0x000000010513f62f wxclTextCtrl::DoLogText(wxString const&) + 63
10 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x0000000105560a6e wxLog::DoLogTextAtLevel(unsigned long, wxString const&) + 110
11 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055609a1 wxLog::DoLogRecord(unsigned long, wxString const&, wxLogRecordInfo const&) + 193
12 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055606db wxLog::CallDoLogNow(unsigned long, wxString const&, wxLogRecordInfo const&) + 827
13 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x0000000105560164 wxLog::OnLog(unsigned long, wxString const&, wxLogRecordInfo const&) + 180
14 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001054ffb64 wxLogger::DoCallOnLog(unsigned long, wxString const&, __va_list_tag*) + 52
15 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001054ffadc wxLogger::DoLog(wchar_t const*, ...) + 220
16 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055411c3 wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxString const&) + 563
17 liblibcodelite.dylib 0x0000000106f1d712 UnixProcessImpl::Execute(wxEvtHandler*, wxString const&, unsigned long, wxString const&, IProcessCallback*) + 754
18 Subversion.dylib 0x000000011156dfda SvnCommand::Execute(wxString const&, wxString const&, SvnCommandHandler*, Subversion2*) + 362
19 Subversion.dylib 0x000000011154f067 SubversionView::BuildTree(wxString const&) + 295
20 Subversion.dylib 0x000000011154eef4 SubversionView::BuildTree() + 52
21 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055d9c0c wxEvtHandler::SearchDynamicEventTable(wxEvent&) + 204
22 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055d996b wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventLocally(wxEvent&) + 59
23 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055d9877 wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&) + 103
24 liblibcodelite.dylib 0x0000000106ebac03 EventNotifier::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&) + 19
25 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055d971d wxEvtHandler::ProcessPendingEvents() + 237
26 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001054feaf7 wxAppConsoleBase::ProcessPendingEvents() + 135
27 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055ba732 wxCFEventLoop::OSXCommonModeObserverCallBack(__CFRunLoopObserver*, int, void*) + 66
29 0x00007fff8d864ae0 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 368
30 0x00007fff8d856be8 __CFRunLoopRun + 872
31 0x00007fff8d856638 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
32 0x00007fff9155c45f RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
33 0x00007fff9155c0de ReceiveNextEventCommon + 179
34 0x00007fff9155c01b _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
35 0x00007fff96de85d1 _DPSNextEvent + 964
36 0x00007fff96de7d80 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 194
37 0x00007fff96ddbd33 -[NSApplication run] + 594
38 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x0000000105691d24 wxGUIEventLoop::OSXDoRun() + 116
39 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001055bad64 wxCFEventLoop::DoRun() + 52
40 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x0000000105528df8 wxEventLoopBase::Run() + 88
41 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x00000001054fe500 wxAppConsoleBase::MainLoop() + 128
42 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x000000010563a2aa wxApp::OnRun() + 26
43 libwx_osx_cocoau-3.0.dylib 0x0000000105556687 wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**) + 71
44 codelite 0x0000000104dd1c14 main + 20
45 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff95bdb5c9 start + 1


Re: crashing a lot on Mac.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:28 am
by eranif
If you don't need it, you can try and disable the subversion plugin.
From plugins->manage plugins
I will try to reproduce it here

Re: crashing a lot on Mac.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:06 am
by marksibly
It does indeed seem to be the subversion plugin causing the problem - I'm not using subversion so I'll just leave it disabled.