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Installation problems with paths

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:30 pm
by akis_t
I have downloaded the Windows version, CodeLite version 6, "codelite-6.0-mingw4.8.1.exe"

On installation I asked it to install to "C:\CodeLite" - it did, but it also installed "mingw32" on "C:\mingw" (or something similar) and also installed "C:\unittest" (or something similar).

Now, I never ever asked it to install anything on "C:\" so that is an installer bug.

I then uninstalled everything to start again. This time by pressing "back" and "next" repeatedly, the installer asked me where to install "mingw" so I said "C:\CodeLite". That worked fine.

However when I ran CodeLite, it thinks "mingw" is in "C:\mingw" something and not in "C:\CodeLite". That was fixed by asking it to detect the installation. That worked but only for the current user in Windows. Switching user and CodeLite again thinks that Mingw is installed somewhere else.

So these are the installation issues I have so far discovered.