some remarks about Codelite from novice

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CodeLite Curious
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IDE Question: c++

some remarks about Codelite from novice

Post by merk666 »

Hello, about 3 weeks i'm using lastest codelite, very like it, but, seems, have found few bugs.

Possible bugs:
1. if you are creating console programm project on existing code, and main.cpp file already exists in directory of project, project behaves strange and seems loses his name in workspace explorer...if i not forget. at least i noticed something strange in such situation.
i just tried to add new project in solution explorer... may be it has connection with the next point.

2. if you are creating new project on existing code in directory, where Codelite cannot write her project file, because of lack of privileges - it behave strange again.

Possible improvements:
1. If it is possible - editor in C++ mode must have ability to shade the code omitted by preprocessor directive kinda #ifdef ... #endif, #if 0 ... #endif, and user must have an ability to set fore-, backcolors of such regions. It could help a lot in work with files with plenty of such regions.

2. In C++ editor popup menu - items - "add include file", "add forward declaration", if have appeared, are first, and because of occasional clicks can modify the code, when user does not noticed it... better to move them from the beginning of menu, and have at the beginning, items, not able to modify code. I already modified code in such a way...and noticed it only during compilation, or visual code check.

Anyway Codelite is great.
Best regards, alex.
Ubuntu 14.04, Codelite, GCC