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Unable to disable certain debugging windows

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:59 am
by caibbor
If this isn't a bug, I don't understand it. I am unable to disable any of the debugging windows other than Disassembly.

And the Disassembly window seems to come and go regardless of whether it is checked in that list. Here is a screenshot of the window existing, yet is unchecked.

Re: Unable to disable certain debugging windows

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:06 am
by caibbor
I tried toggling the options with detached windows instead of docked ones. If I detach a window, and then try to disable the window, it disappears, and it also disappears from the pane where it used to be docked, yet the checkbox stays checked. I can't re-enable it after this, it is gone forever - until I click Perspective->Restore Default Layout.