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Auto-completion not working

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:54 pm
by damien
Codelite version? 6.0
Is it a self compiled version of codelite? No
Your OS? Xubuntu 13.1
Compiler version? gcc 4.8.1


I've created a project and imported existing source files. These source files contain the JUCE C++ library. However, I am unable to view any JUCE methods etc when using the accessor operators . or -> on an object. Nothing pops up. I've tried re-installing Codelite 6.0 and re-creating the project but I still get the same.
A friend of mine tried the exact same thing on his laptop using Codelite 6.0 with no problems.

Can you think of anything that could be causing the issue?


Re: Auto-completion not working

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:16 pm
by eranif
Try this:

- Workspace -> retag workspace (full)
- Try to enable clang (settings -> tags settings -> clang )


Re: Auto-completion not working

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:01 pm
by damien
Perfect, it works now. Looks like enabling Clang did the trick!
