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Column numbering

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:31 am
by Gibbon1
Um... this may be yet another silly question.

I've noticed that codelite starts column numbering at '0'. Other tools I use, Programmers notepad, Winmerge, Visual Studio start at '1'. Is there any way to get codelite to display column numbers as counting numbers '1, 2, 3,...'?

Re: Column numbering

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:46 pm
by Jarod42
An other option in the same domain:
that tabulation count as 1 for column instead of the number of space it would takes.

Re: Column numbering

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:15 pm
by eranif
Jarod42 wrote:that tabulation count as 1 for column instead of the number of space it would takes
I am pretty much sure that the column numbering is taken from scintilla API function and not something that I calculate manually
I need to check that

Re: Column numbering

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:49 pm
by petah
actually we discussed this a long time ago and since then I apply the attached patch to my custom CL builds.

The patch affects any ASCII art (like comments) so If some users prefer the current indexing I suggest adding a CL env variable defaulting to the current behavior, so users that prefer 1-based indexing can enable it without disturbing others.

Which indexing is "correct" is debatable; different editors pick one or the other... and to be a propos we don't have a January zero, for example :D


-- p