Protest: CodeLite wasted my time instead of saving it!

General questions regarding the usage of CodeLite
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IDE Question: C++

Protest: CodeLite wasted my time instead of saving it!

Post by evstevemd »

I changed my code and clicked start debug option. Strangely stepping thru comments as if they were executable made me go mad "Is CL crazy?" But even when I deleted codes it still happened to act weirdly. To cut story short, I found that compiler did not recognize -mwindows anymore (upgraded GCC).
My protest is why was CL debugging old executable using my current files? CL shouldn't have run since Compilation failed.
I wanted to protest a bit to Eran for his "son" CL that wasted my little time. :)
If complain can be made into feature mote it be :mrgreen:

CodeLite 15.x
CodeLite is awesome, I just Love it!