You need to have a wxWidgets compiled statically
Once you have compiled wxWidgets statically, change the environment variable 'WXCFG' from Settings -> Environment variables to point to the correct relative path
codelite uses the wx-config tool to locate wxWidgets (this is by default) you can also set it manually without
For example, to get the libraries needed for the link, codelite adds this to the makefile:
to get the flags for compilation:
The above are set in the project settings (right cilck on your project and select 'Settings', then in the project settings dialog: General -> Common Settings -> Compiler (or Linker))
The wx-config tool uses 2 environment variables:
WXWIN -> points to the base location where you compiled wxWidgets
WXCFG -> which configuration to pick ( by default it is set to gcc_dll\mswu)
Since you are using the wxWidgets that I have compiled, you only have the DLL version - I don't provide a static wxWidgets binaries - this you will have to do by yourself