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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:52 am
by ernest
Hello everybody,

I've used Codelite few years ago and last month I wanted to try it once again.
Since then I became regular user, and even registered on this forum.
I would like to know if anyone on this forum tried to create project in CodeLite with source files on Rational Clearcase varsioning control.
I did, and with dynamic view used Codelite cannot see any file or add it to project.


Re: Clearcase

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:18 pm
by jfouche

I used CodeLite with clearcase a few years ago, but mainly with snapshot views, without problem.

You can add "checkin" / "checkout" / "add to source control" commands with the "External tools" plugin.
Exemple : To add the checkout command,
- go to plugins => External tools => Configure external tools.
- Create a new tool, select an available ID
- Name : Checkout
- Tool path : ...\Clearcase\bin\cleartool.exe
- Working directory : $(CurrentFilePath)
- co $(CurrentFileName)

That should do the trick.

Re: Clearcase

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:29 am
by ernest

thank you for your comment.

I will try to switch to snapshot, for a test, but I'm not able to use it like that every time. Among few other (Eclipse, QtCreator, NetBeans)
Codelite is the best for me, but I cannot use it because of the dynamic view problem... :(

Re: Clearcase

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:07 pm
by jfouche
I will test with a dynamic view next week, and tell you the result. It should not be different. May be it comes from the fact that it's on a net drive.
Can you test to create your dynamic view not on a net drive, but directly on your hard drive (you must select none when clearcase asks you the drive). The view should be available on your views drive (It's M:\ for me).
As it's quite old in my mind, I hope that's the correct steps. I will be able to test only next week as I don't have clearcase on my computer currently.

Re: Clearcase

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:25 am
by ernest
I took some time and found a solution. Looks like my mistake...

When I opened codelite project file, I see all files have relative path, so to make everything work, I must set project location to some location on dynamic drive, then import files from that location.

Thank you for your help!