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CallGraph failed to save file with DOT language

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:28 pm
by petah

I get "CallGraph failed to save file with DOT language, please build the project again".

I'm using CL 4.1.5770 on Debian Wheezy x64, have -pg on both compiling+linking, both gprof and dot are where they should be.

CL log doesn't seem to have more info, looking at the plugin source I see it's not finding a file but it's not clear what prevented it from being generated.

Is there a way to get more verbose plugin logs or am I missing something trivial?

Awesome IDE, congrats!


-- p

Re: CallGraph failed to save file with DOT language

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:54 am
by eranif
I will ask MichalB (the Author of this plugin to see if he can have a look at this as he does not hang on the forum much
However, he is pretty regular on codelite's IRC channel @ #codelite - he goes by the name 'michalb'


Re: CallGraph failed to save file with DOT language

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:19 am
by petah
CallGraph's wxFileName logic seems to be broken on Linux (Debian/Gtk at least); I redirected its gprof/dot cmds to a small Lua script and saw arguments' paths were mangled / over-concatenated.

Identifying the problem was non-trivial because some errors show up in CL's Trace window (which is a bitch to cut&paste from on Gtk), others in ~/.xsession-errors while CL's own log stays mum no matter how verbose.

If MichalB wants to get in touch with me we can ping-pong fixes until it works on all platforms, otherwise I'll probably rewrite a plugin from scratch with mostly C/Lua glue code so the Lua logic can be patched without needing recompilation.

-- p

Re: CallGraph failed to save file with DOT language

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:50 pm
by petah
I'm gonna try to fix the CallGraph plugin under Linux/Gtk, could someone please post a CallGraph screenshot generated on Windows or Mac so I have an idea what to aim for ?


-- p

Re: CallGraph failed to save file with DOT language

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:45 am
by petah
just a FYI that the logic of the CallGraph plugin wasn't flawed like I thought earlier; when the graph space was overwhelmed by wxString calls it really was because they used most CPU time. I still think the plugin code is not realistically maintainable (at least by me!) because there's way too much hardcoded stuff, so if I were to give callgraphs another go I'd most likely start from scratch or another codebase.


-- p