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almost there, just code completion pointers?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:47 pm
by Rory
I've almost migrated completely from MSVC to CodeLite(hooray!) but there is one last thing I need to figure out. I can't seem to get my class methods to show for smart pointers. For example, I have a class called socketServer. For example:

ScopedPointer<socketServer> sock = new socketServer();

ScopedPointer in this case is a class used to hold a pointer to an object. It's a class provided with the GUI library I'm using. Instead of listing the members from the object passed to it, I only get the members for ScopedPointer. Any ideas on how to solve this? I'm so close to making Linux my main development environment, I can see the finishing line!

Re: almost there, just code completion pointers?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:41 pm
by eranif
If you are compiling with gcc, enable clang from settings -> tags settings -> clang, and check the option 'enable clang code completion'
Once enabled, perform a full rebuild of your project

Now, when you attempt to code complete (e.g. by typing ->) clang will take over if the default completion engine will fail.

BTW, the builtin code completion should be able to code complete templates pretty good.. can you please provide a sample code that fails + all information that I need to reproduce this?

Please read this post:

Re: almost there, just code completion pointers?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:42 pm
by Rory
Great, that did the trick. Well done on creating such a nice IDE and thanks for the prompt replies. I'm all set now to become a stranger in the land of Windows.