Windows (Default Project Settings)

General questions regarding the usage of CodeLite
CodeLite Curious
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IDE Question: C++

Windows (Default Project Settings)

Post by zackfix-ngeneer »


First off, I just want to show my appreciation. This IDE is the best I have come across. I have ignored it for a long time now, but yesterday CB finally broke me, so I needed another IDE, I hate using VS because, besides being Windows only and having an uncomfortable price tag, its licensing agreement kills my innovative skillz. After the smooth installation and toolchain setup, MinGW via TMD, I had my projects integrated in a few minutes and the writing and debugging started once again. CodeLite is extremely smooth and very responsive, making C++ development fun again. My favorite thing about CodeLite so far is the Watch window, just like VS, updating automagically and stays consistent inside each code scope, this is a winner for sure. Thank you for your hard work, it is paying off, not literally I know, but still, I appreciate this application.

Now to the problem I experienced. This literally took hours of time, from 4:00 PM to 4:00 AM. I tried compiling and linking a Dynamic Library but the linker could not locate my libraries. At first, I thoguh I screwed up somewhere with a file name or path, but instead, the problem was actually not my fault. I noticed that for the Output Filename, CodeLite will place a .so extension on the compiled binaries, which is fine for Linux, but for Windows, this needs to be a .dll.

I am here to simply make a suggestion, change the default Output Filename for Dynamic Libraries under Windows to have the .DLL extension and not .SO. I noticed others, on stackoverflow had this same issue, which can quickly turn away new developers who wouldn't catch this..

Also, its not that big of a deal, but would it be possible to have an Output Directory option for .o object files, they clutter my Output directory. Another cool feature would be Code profiling integration, unless I am missing something?

(NOTE: I did not read the rules...I can hardly read what I am writing, so my apologies if this is in the wrong place)

Anyway, Ill look into the latest revision, keep up the great work and THANK YOU! :D
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:15 pm
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IDE Question: c++

Re: Windows (Default Project Settings)

Post by spaces »

Hmm, familiar problems. My face fell off in 1996 when I was introduced to Linux development. Pre win95 times we used .ovl and other exotic extensions in DOS for dynamically loadable binaries. It wasn't nice but when you had 1.5MB compiled code and the system had only 512KB memory you had to improvise lol. Then came Windows with its .dll and .sys libraries.
In 96 I started to work at a company who was doing development on Linux but targeted DOS/Windoze. Adjusting to Emacs was a huge pain in the ass. Makefile magic was alien, as I was using Turbo C IDE prior to that. No extensions just file flags, etc etc.
Anyway what I would like to tell you is that you need to read up on your toolchain. Especially when your tool is crossplatform.
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