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Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:35 pm
by dhs
I use CodeLite on Redhat Entreprice

I try to attach debugger to a process. The attach is OK

But I cannot add breakpoint. I enable logging for debugger and here is what I found:

DEBUG>>00000058^error,msg="mi_cmd_break_insert: Unknown option ``f''"
Breakpoint creation unsuccessful
ERROR: failed to place breakpoint: "^error,msg="mi_cmd_break_insert: Unknown option ``f''""
mi_cmd_break_insert: Unknown option ``f''

Could you please tell me if there is any specific config I need to setup correctly my gdb ?

I am using GDB version 6.5-25

Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:19 pm
by eranif
Quick forum search would have given you the answer:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1655&start=0&st=0&s ... breakpoint

In short: either upgrade your gdb or use codelite from trunk which make this option configurable


Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:42 pm
by dhs

Currently, when I debug with GDB from codelite, I cannot see the value of STL type, for example std::string

Do you know if update to the lastest version of GDB (7.4) will allow codelite to show in Debugger frame the value de STL types ? (something we have as in Visual Studio C#)

Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:46 pm
by eranif
You should be able to view std::string.


Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:59 pm
by dhs
You mean I have to update to GDB 7.4 ?

Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:06 pm
by eranif
I am using GDB 7.0.1 and all is working fine for me

Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:39 pm
by dhs
I try to make it work with Predefined Types and it is OK

But the Debugger Command that I put for each type is not working.

When I check the log, I only see the command: var-evaluate-expression is sent

Is there any config of codelite I need to activate to make this work ?


Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:38 am
by eranif
Please post all relevant information



Re: Unable to put breakpoint for debug

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:25 pm
by dhs
Sorry about the question. I use CodeLite 3.5 on on Redhet Entreprise 5.

I make it work using Ctrl button.

But I have a specific case that can generate infinite loop on GDB of CodeLite.

1/ For example I put the following type into Predefined type: int - $(Variable) - print

When I click on the Ctrl button, I see a lot of message GDB in the Output windows

2/ I use GDB 6.5. For unknown reason, the type std::string is interpreted as 'string'. I have another codelite on windows with GDB 7.3, the type is interpreted as std::string

I configured sth like above with string (but with the famous command 'pstring') ( ... s-1.03.txt) and I have infinite loop of message GDB output.

Is it a bug ? If yes, is it corrected with the version on the trunk ?

For the LOG file, it is very hard to get because the bug generate an infinite loop. When I stop the debugger, all the log is gone.

Here is what I have after stopping debugger: (GDB has created 1705 variables)

Debug session ended
