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Debug Icons - Step In / Next (should be other way around?)

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:33 pm
by Roey
I'm really really sorry to be so picky, and I'm sure everyone has better things to deal with, but was just wondering if logically the icons given for Step In / Next are should actually be the other way around?

Step in shows an arrow going down (as in 'next line'), while the Next icon shows an arrow going in (as in 'go inside').

The only reason I've noticed this is as I'm trying to set logical key shortcuts for these and realised that it would be logical to have something like ctrl-down for next line and ctrl-right for step in.


Re: Debug Icons - Step In / Next (should be other way around?)

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:16 am
by eranif
if you don't like the debug icons, you can replace them with your own.
This is how:
Under the installation directory of codelite

C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeLite\

Or Linux:

You will find file.
  • Extract the .zip file
  • in the extracted folder there is a file named 'manifest.ini'
  • search for 'toolbars.<size>.debugger.step_in'
  • switch between the value of the above directive with the one of 'toolbars.<size>.debugger.step_out'
  • Zip it again and start codelite
In similar way, you can replace all codelite's icons and prepare a new icons-pack