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Win32 typedefs

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:44 pm
by yes9111
Codelite seems to not pick up the typedefs that Win32 uses. For example, when I declare a WNDCLASSEX variable, the autocomplete suggestion doesn't come up for its members when I type the dot after the variable name, whereas if I declare the variable to be of type WNDCLASSEXW or WNDCLASSEXA, it recognizes the type correctly and the autocomplete suggestion box comes up.
Thanks in advance for the awesome IDE!

Re: Win32 typedefs

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:29 pm
by nemesis

since this remained unanswered for some time now i'll take a shot. i'm not very familiar with windows libraries/headers, though a very wild guess would be that certain directories aren't searched by the codecompletionparser (consequently missing in the paths). but i may be mistaken since some classes/structs seem to be working.
however a few more details about your codelite version, overall coding environment or codesnippets might help other people understand your problem better.
