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wx-config question

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:50 am
by ndivner

I am using codelite v2.9.0-4684 on Win-XP SP3 with gcc version 4.5.2.

Up until now I have not used codelite for wxWidgets projects on Win-XP but decided to give it a go.

I created a new workspace and added a wxWidgets project which autmatically added a main.cpp.
On building this project I get a compiler error as forllows

Code: Select all

----------Build Started--------
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c ""mingw32-make.exe"  -j 1 -f """
----------Building project:[ gcc_test - Debug ]----------
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `H:/Projects/gcc-test/gcc-test'
g++ -c  "H:/Projects/gcc-test/gcc-test/main.cpp" -g -mthreads -DHAVE_W32API_H -D__WXMSW__ -D__WXDEBUG__ -D_UNICODE -IH:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_dll\mswud -IH:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -DWXUSINGDLL -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -pipe -fmessage-length=0    -D__WX__  -o ./Debug/main.o "-I." 
H:/Projects/gcc-test/gcc-test/main.cpp:12:19: fatal error: wx/wx.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
mingw32-make[1]: *** [Debug/main.o] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `H:/Projects/gcc-test/gcc-test'
mingw32-make.exe: *** [All] Error 2
----------Build Ended----------
1 errors, 0 warnings, total time: 00:00:16 seconds
Note the -IH:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include above

If instead I use
g++ main.cpp -IH:/wxWidgets-2.8.12/include -IH:/wxWidgets-2.8.12/lib/gcc_dll/mswu
wx/wh.h is found ok.

What do I need to do to overcome this problem??

Many thanks


Re: wx-config question

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:36 pm
by eranif
This means that you are using mixed toolchain from Cygwin / MinGW.

Make sure that the MinGW toolchain is located before the Cygwin toolchain in the path, or as an alternative, use a full path for g++ (can be configured from: Settings | Build Settings | Compilers | g++ | Tools)


Re: wx-config question

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:42 am
by ndivner
Hi Eran,

Thank you for setting me straight.

The problem started when I upgraded to gcc 4.5. This worked fine for all my non wxWidgets projects but gave me problems
compiling a wxWidgets monolithic DLL. I googled and found that it was caused by a problem with inline functions which caused
the output to grow so much that you ran out of memory. I then found TDM-GCC which fixed the problem and I now could
compile wxWidgets. This tool chain works fine with MSYS but it certainly is not compatible with Codelite. As well as the
"Back Slashes" I also found there is a problen executing the postbuild "copy" commands. Here using "cp" instead of "copy"
works but this is not a good solution. I have now downloaded your version of mingw32-4.1.1 and all is well.

Thank you for the help,
It is much appreciated.


Re: wx-config question

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:27 am
by ndivner
Hi Eran et al,

I have tracked down the cause of my problem which is described above

The reason is that mingw32-make.exe behaves differently depending on whether sh.exe is in the search PATH.
I found the following whilst I was chasing down something else altogether and I quote
From v3.77 upwards, make searches for a sh.exe on the path. If it does not find one, it switches to win32 make mode that is it uses intermediate batch files for command processing.
This is fine until your makefile tries to execute something like mkdir, which will invoke the internal mkdir from cmd.exe or As the results may not be to your liking, you may prefer to use the sh.exe provide here.
Renaming sh.exe to something else allows wx-config to be invoked properly.

