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How to switch off code completion box ?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:09 pm
by captain_b
I'm using CodeLite now since half a year and I'm impressed by what it can do. Thanks for providing this valuable tool !!

But there are some questions I'd like to post, here I start with the first one:

It may sound weird, as all related topics I searched in this forum deal with issues about C/C++ code-completion not working fully,
but I can't help, I'm an old-school programmer :-), so :
Is there a way to switch off the completion-box popup ? I.e. if I have a class
class XYZ {
XYZ abc;

And then type some code, like abc-> ... then, ***boing*** the completion box pops up with the list of XYZs members.
For me, this is an annoying feature, and it would be great to switch this off. I've searched all the settings pages but
haven't found a checkbox for that. ???

PS: using CL v2.5.2.4031 on Ubuntu 10.1
