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Custom build and dependancies

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:00 pm
by jfouche

I'm using custom build and dependancies. I managed Build order, and selected the application project (the one which is at the top of the dependancies), and Build the project. It only build the selected project, without trying to build the other projects (which are well defined in the build order panel). It only call the custom build command for the selected project.

Is it the desired behavior, or is it a bug (i may fix) ?

Re: Custom build and dependancies

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:53 pm
by eranif
this is the desired behavior.
You can not set a build order for a custom build project - this problem comes from the internal implementation of the 'custom build':
In a standard project, codelite generates 2 makefiles:
One for the workspace and one for the project itself. The workspace makefile, simply calls the project(s) makefile(s) according to the build order.

When using a custom build, codelite does not generate any makefile, but simply executes the provided command.

To workaround it, you can define a project without any source files, and make this as the main build project - since this project is a standard project, it will have a build order


Re: Custom build and dependancies

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:18 pm
by jfouche
Done, and that is perfect : It works.