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Can't start VideoTutorials on Linux/FF

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:32 pm
by michaelaye
Even so the flashplugin is installed and works on youtube and other flashers, I can't start the VideoTutorials with my Ubuntu/FF.
The first frame with the Play button is shown, but clicking the Play button does not start the video.
Is there anything I missed?
I have the latest flash plugin 10.1 r53


Re: Can't start VideoTutorials on Linux/FF

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:20 pm
by eranif
I am not sure what the problem is ( I am not a flash expert, and it is working for me)

Maybe simply ask what is your problem and I will try to help you out


Re: Can't start VideoTutorials on Linux/FF

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:53 pm
by michaelaye
It's working for you on a current linux with Firefox? That would be an interesting information.

No real problems so far, just that we have a new colleague who needs to learn C++ and she wanted to use Codelite and wanted to see how a simple project like helloworld is set up in Codelite.
But I think she managed without the video as well.