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Delay in Opening Last Session

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:23 am
by hbr_in
Dear Eran,

Since i upgraded CL to 2.6, i have seen a delay in loading the Last Session.

Assume i have around10 tabs opened ( all related to current project, workspace). I have "Load last session on restart" enabled.
Now i close & restart CL.
Initially Start Page is shown. It even allows u to click on the projects.
However previous session is getting prepared to open but with no indication to the user. File names/tabs being opened are show in the CL Title, This might be for some seconds. But this never used to happen in previous builds. (yes, this isnt more but i am avid programmer so i can detect even few seconds of delay in doing things).

This is just for your info. Kindly let me know if i am wrong



Re: Delay in Opening Last Session

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:00 am
by eranif
hbr_in wrote:This is just for your info. Kindly let me know if i am wrong
This is by design.

The reason for this change is that under Linux, if you have 10 tabs opened and codelite will load the last session immediacy (without the delay) it does not look pretty. Letting the main frame load and then (2 seconds) after it loading the last session if any - removed the drawing issues under Linux and provides more smoother user experience (in the cost of delay)


Re: Delay in Opening Last Session

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:36 am
by hbr_in
Oh, Thanks for clarifying