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Re: Automatic loading of needed shared libraries

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:18 pm
by eranif
Well, it appears to be a bug in xterm: ... +bug/76618

Apparently this is also a FAQ for xterm: ... no_libpath

I found many reports on this issue on the web

As a workaround:
Define an external tool to launch it for you:
- from the menu: Plugins -> External Tools -> Configure External tools...
- Click 'New...'
- select an un-used ID
- You can use any available macros (click on 'Help...' button at the bottom of the dialog to get a list of them)
- give it a name 'launch wxSFDemo'
- Select the exe to run, arguments working directory etc.
- Optional: set icon etc.

Click OK, and you will have a new button in the toolbar which runs the command (base on the ID you gave it, you may assign new Keyboard shortcut for it) from 'settings -> keyboard shortcuts...' search for Plugins:: External Tools and search for your selected ID


Re: Automatic loading of needed shared libraries

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:57 pm
by marfi
Hi Eran,
thanx very much for your time! I did some investigations and I've found that Code::Blocks IDE uses similar approach like CL. It uses small script called 'cb_console_runner' called by xterm which runs given application, correctly sets(!) LD_LIBRARY_PATH a and wait for pressed key at the application's end. Full command line produced by C::B is like this:

Code: Select all

$ xterm -title 'Title' -e /usr/bin/cb_console_runner LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./appexecutable
Unfortunatelly, 'cb_console_runner' is binary executable so I cannot see inside its code, but C::B is opensource project as well as the CL, so you can download the source codes and take a look into it more deeply... ;)


Re: Automatic loading of needed shared libraries

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:29 pm
by marfi
I've found the solution!!! :D I checked the 'cb_console_runner' source and realized that it is a really simple thing. It constructs a command line consisting of appname and definition of LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable and executes it by standard C 'system()' function. So I've written small script called '' which can pass a content of LD_LIBRARY_PATH into xterm:

Code: Select all

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$2
echo 'Press ENTER...'
read key
Only thing the CL must to do now is to run an application by this command line:

Code: Select all

$ xterm -T 'Title' -e '/bin/sh /usr/local/ ./AppPathAndName '`echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH`

Code: Select all

$ xterm -T 'Title' -e /bin/sh /usr/local/ ./AppPathAndName $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Can I modify current command line myself from some CL's script/setting dialog or is it hardcoded? Another suggestion for CL is that a content for exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be constructed by the CL itself; for example from paths added to the linker settings and from path defined in Environment variables setting dialog (maybe the app path and LD_LIBRARY_PATH content should be enclosed by quotes).

Re: Automatic loading of needed shared libraries

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:59 pm
by eranif
But what if the applications expects command line arguments?

Btw: Your '' is actually CL's /usr/local/bin/


Re: Automatic loading of needed shared libraries

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:25 pm
by eranif
I fixed this in SVN trunk.

The solution:
- I fixed script to search for entries in the command line which has the form of name=value
- CodeLite genertes the following command line: xterm -title '<some title>' -e /bin/sh -f /usr/local/bin/ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<some path> <command to run> [optional arguments...]

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is passed only when it is defined in the 'environment variable...' dialog.

- Currently only LD_LIBRARY_PATH is supported


Re: Automatic loading of needed shared libraries

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:04 pm
by marfi
It works great now! Thanx a lot!
