Seeing output in MSW

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Re: Seeing output in MSW

Post by petah »

iwbnwif wrote:The problem with the following is that in MSW stdout doesn't appear to go anywhere (under Windows 8 at least).

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new wxLogChain(new wxLogStderr(stdout))
Did you try stderr or ANSI C cout/cerr? Could also be wx build flags related.
see MSDN docs around ::OutputDebugString()
Thank you for this tip. I tried this but also the output seems to go nowhere, even if I set debugevents as it suggests in the gdb manual.
Ah, that may be a low-level MS hack that works only in VisualStudio. Also check the implementation of ::wxIsDebuggerRunning(); it doesn't seem to pick up GDB in all cases.
Just a thought, but personally I would like all stdout to go to the "Output" tab of the "Output View" pane :)
Feel free to implement it yourself; once you're setup you'll have only yourself to blame and will quickly realize which features you really want ;)


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Re: Seeing output in MSW

Post by iwbnwif »

Feel free to implement it yourself; once you're setup you'll have only yourself to blame and will quickly realize which features you really want
Fair point :mrgreen:
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