Some buggy behavior and some questions

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Some buggy behavior and some questions

Post by tuttle »


first of all, thanks for codelite. After moving from eclipse it really feels lightweight and I'm not missing a lot of features so far. Great job!

So, I observed some buggy behavior:
  1. Although I have my own str class in the project.tags file as I can see with the sqlite3 tool:

    Code: Select all

    sqlite> select * FROM tags WHERE name="str" AND kind="class";
              ID = 264793
            name = str
            file = <path_to_project>/Common/utils/str.h
            line = 64
            kind = class
          access = 
       signature = 
         pattern = /^class str {$/
          parent = <global>
        inherits = 
            path = str
         typeref = 
           scope = <global>
    return_value = 
    it doesn't show up in the "Find Resource..." list after entering "str". However, typing str in the source code and then using "Find Symbol" works without problem. Any Idea why this is happening? How can it be that hovering over "str", using "Find Symbol" etc. works but not for "Find Resource..."? Whats the difference? Of course I rebuild the tags database many times.
  2. When reconciling a project in which a whole directory-tree of files has been removed, it detects all the missing files, but doesn't remove the virtual directories that correspond to the deleted directories in the file system. So you end up with a large directory tree with no files in it.
  3. As es result of the last point, the tags database includes a lot of directories, which don't exist anymore. If you remove the virtual directories by hand and re-tag the workspace, the wrong entries are gone.
Furthermore I have some questions:
  1. In the "Find Resource..." dialog I accidentally found out, that you can use ^ as a prefix to filter out he files, and only return symbols. Are there any other hidden codes, to select only classes for example?
  2. Is there documentation for the git plugin? I would like to know for example, if the projects files and directories are automatically updated when newly added or removed files or directories are pulled from git.
Thanks and best regards,

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Re: Some buggy behavior and some questions

Post by eranif »

tuttle wrote:it doesn't show up in the "Find Resource..." list after entering "str". However, typing str in the source code and then using "Find Symbol" works without problem. Any Idea why this is happening? How can it be that hovering over "str", using "Find Symbol" etc. works but not for "Find Resource..."? Whats the difference? Of course I rebuild the tags database many times.
If you could minimize it to a small reproducible workspace (which includes to affected files) it will help me debug it
tuttle wrote:When reconciling a project in which a whole directory-tree of files has been removed, it detects all the missing files, but doesn't remove the virtual directories that correspond to the deleted directories in the file system. So you end up with a large directory tree with no files in it.
This can be a feature that we should add something like "Remove empty virtual folders" - please submit a feature request at sourceforge
tuttle wrote:As es result of the last point, the tags database includes a lot of directories, which don't exist anymore
Not related at all. The virtual folders have no relations whatsoever to the tags functionality
A simple Workspace -> retag workspace (full) will fix this.
tuttle wrote:In the "Find Resource..." dialog I accidentally found out, that you can use ^ as a prefix to filter out he files, and only return symbols. Are there any other hidden codes, to select only classes for example?
The "^" is the default the escape character of sqlite, so it probably affected the query codelite ran... there is no hidden code to discover ;)
tuttle wrote:Is there documentation for the git plugin? I would like to know for example, if the projects files and directories are automatically updated when newly added or removed files or directories are pulled from git
The first "git docs" is on my TODO list
Note that when you update from git or svn codelite does not update the workspace view. In order to answer this functionality, we developed (mostly David) the "Reconcile Project" which does exactly this

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