Difference between open & open in editor

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Difference between open & open in editor

Post by hbr_in »

Dear Eran,

when you right click on any file in explorer tab in workspace view, in context menu you will see 2 options "Open" & "Open in editor". What is the difference between the two.

Also why only "Open", "Open in Editor" & "Open with Default Application" options has keyboard Accelarators and not all.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Difference between open & open in editor

Post by eranif »

'Open' is similar to 'Double Click' an item - it follows this logic:
- If the file is a workspace - load the workspace
else: send an event to the plugins to see whether any of the plugins would like to handle this file differently (e.g. wxFormBuilder plugin)

'Open in Text Editor':
Always opens the file as 'text' file

The menu can be modified locally (and it will not be overrun on next run) by:
copy the file /usr/share/codelite/rc/menu.xrc
into ~/.codelite/rc/menu.xrc

Search for the relevant menu (it is a simple XML structure which represents all the menus in codelite) and add

Code: Select all

before the char that you want to be the accelerator

Also: In the future, please remember to state your OS / codelite version.
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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