
General questions regarding the usage of CodeLite
CodeLite Curious
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:01 pm
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IDE Question: c++


Post by cgp1024 »

This is extremely simplified...

If i have several projects in one solution, and say project A relies on project B.
Project A is the main executable, and Project B relies on some other handful of projects, C,D,E... etc.

I can control the build order by setting all of the projects in Project A...
but it seems that the build order for Project B only happens if I set Project B active.

This isn't too big of a deal, until I try to create some premake4 rules which will build everything for both codelite and vs.
Premake seems to treat dependencies and linking the same, so I can't actually build Project C without linking (via the linker) them to Project A, but
in reality, it should be built and linked with Project B.

I suppose that this could actually be 'fixed' on the premake side, but I think it may make sense for the flow of codelite to use the build order for each project as it hits it ? Does that make sense? So, building Project A triggers a build of Project B, which, because of the build order specified in project B, triggers the build of C, D, E. Sounds recursive to me...