Generating two or more executables in single project

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Generating two or more executables in single project

Post by CésarNoll »


I wonder if Code Lite can generate more than one executable on my project, because I'm doing a game and I want to do a map editor, but I want to use some headers and some cpp files from my game "section". Is this possible?
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Re: Generating two or more executables in single project

Post by Gibbon1 »

You can do what I do and create two projects under a common workspace. In my code base about 70-80% of the files are shared between projects (one of the major reasons I like codelite).

You can either build projects separately, F7 to build the active project, or highlight the project and got right click->build. And you can highlight the workspace right click -> Build Workspace. or options from the Build Menu.

I believe you can also specify the build order if that is important (I could be wrong)

I don't think you can build two executables from the same logical project without using an external makefile.

Also note, codelites virtual folders specify files located anywhere you want. You can also specify include paths to anywhere as well. For instance if you're linking an external library and need to pick up the headers. (AKA gcc's -I option.
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