ScriptPlugin for CodeLite 6.0
I provide you the ScriptPlugin for CodeLite 6.0.As I only have a Windows machine, I can only provide you the Windows version (I tried using VirtualBox, but I got a very slow ubuntu virtual machine, with a low definition screen ).
To install it, you must extract the 7z content to your plugins directory.
This plugin provides a toolbar with 2 buttons :
- Show scripts : shows / hide a miniframe which contains all "on demand" script. Double clicking on a script runs it.
- Scripts settings : it show a dialog that allow you to add / remove scripts (on demand script or hooks scripts).
All scripts embed a global "codelite" variable, you can use to interract with codelite.
Here is the API :
codelite.manager : gives you acces to the IManager
codelite.Trace(str) : add a trace in the trace tab
codelite:Bind(eventId, function) : This function is only usefull when creating a hook script. It binds the function to the current event. Currently, only the wxEVT_FILE_SAVED has been implemented.
manager:GetActiveEditor() : return the current editor or nil
manager:NewEditor() : Create a new editor, and returns it
manager:GetWorkspace() : return the workspace or nil
editor:GetEditorText() : return the text of the editor
editor:SetEditorText(str) : set the content of the editor
editor:GetSelection() : return the current selection
editor:ReplaceSelection(str) : replace the current selection with the given string
editor:AppendText(str) : Append the given string at the end of the editor
editor:GetCurrentPosition() : return the position of the caret
editor:InsertText(int, str) : Insert text at the given position
workspace:GetActiveProjectName() : return the name of the active project
workspace:GetProjectList() : return a table containing all project names
worspace:FindProjectByName(str) : return the project named with the given string, or nil
project:GetName() : return the project name
project:GetFiles() : return a table containing all file paths
event:GetString() : return the string, depending on the event context
clCommandEvent (inherit wxCommandEvent)
event:GetString() : return the string, depending on the event context
event:GetFileName() : return the filename, depending on the event context
Here is a "on demand" script which allow you to comment the current selection :
Code: Select all
editor = codelite.manager:GetActiveEditor()
if editor then
sel = editor:GetSelection()
if #sel > 0 then
text = "/* " .. sel .. " */"
Here is a "on demand" script which trim line ending of the current editor :
Code: Select all
function rtrim(s)
local n = #s
while n > 0 and s:find("^%s", n) do n = n - 1 end
return s:sub(1, n)
function lines(str)
local t = {}
local function helper(line) table.insert(t, line) return "" end
helper((str:gsub("(.-)\r?\n", helper)))
return t
editor = codelite.manager:GetActiveEditor()
if editor then
text = editor:GetEditorText()
if #text ~= 0 then
l = lines(text)
for i, line in ipairs(l) do
l[i] = rtrim(line)
newText = table.concat(l, "\n")
And here a hook script which trace each saved files
Code: Select all
local f = function(event)
codelite.Trace("FILE SAVED : " .. event:GetString())
codelite:Bind(wxEVT_FILE_SAVED, f)